Keep On Cookin'

85 - Allergy Friendly Universal Meals by Physicians Committee

Dustin Harder
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00:00 | 47:00

Universal Meals makes it easy to offer delicious recipes that work for almost every type of diet. Each recipe is void of any animal derived products and the top nine allergens including milk, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, soy, fish, shellfish, sesame, and peanuts.

More people than ever have a specific diet due to health reasons, environmental or humane concerns, allergies, or cultural or religious traditions, and the Universal Meals program was designed to meet these needs. With Universal Meals, everyone has a seat at the table. This program designed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine offers simple guidelines and recipes that are free of animal products, gluten-containing grains, nuts, alcohol, and other allergens to accommodate food preferences and common allergies. The website contains over 150 recipes including variations for the home cook and scaled up options for institution settings.

With Universal Meals, everyone has a seat at the table.

Universal Meals 
IG: @physicianscommittee

Dustin Harder
IG: @thedustinharder