Keep On Cookin'

70 -The Korean Vegan with Joanne Lee Molinaro

Dustin Harder Episode 70

Joanne Lee Molinaro has captivated millions of fans with her powerfully moving personal tales of love, family, and food. In her debut cookbook, she shares a collection of her favorite Korean dishes, some traditional and some reimagined, as well as poignant narrative snapshots that have shaped her family history.

As Joanne reveals, she’s often asked, “How can you be vegan and Korean?” Korean cooking is, after all, synonymous with fish sauce and barbecue. And although grilled meat is indeed prevalent in some Korean food, the ingredients that filled out bapsangs on Joanne’s table growing up - doenjang (fermented soybean paste), gochujang (chili sauce), dashima (seaweed), and more - are fully plant-based, unbelievably flavorful, and totally Korean. 

The Korean Vegan Cookbook is a rich portrait of the immigrant experience with life lessons that are universal. It celebrates how deeply food and the ones we love shape our identity.


Joanne Lee Molinaro:
IG: @thekoreanvegan

Dustin Harder:
IG: @theveganroadie

David Rossetti:
IG: @drossetti