Keep On Cookin'

82 - Vegan Vittles by Joanne Stepaniak

Dustin Harder

Vegan Vittles was originally released in 1996, written by Joanne Stepaniak with recipes inspired by "the critters of Farm Sanctuary".

Vegan Vittles covers a vast wealth of alternatives for every animal-based food under the sun. From homemade veggie “meats” and uncheeses to scrumptious egg and dairy substitutes, Vegan Vittles fills the whole table, and does so simply, tastefully, and creatively. The recipes are without pretense, ranging from hearty, home-style American, to ethnic and elegant. With over 100 exciting new recipes and clear, detailed instructions, Vegan Vittles is sure to inspire compassionate cooks of all ages, regardless of their comfort level in the kitchen.

Jo Stepaniak is the author of numerous groundbreaking books on vegan cuisine, health, and compassionate living. She has dealt with multiple food sensitivities and chronic digestive issues and understands firsthand the challenges of living with dietary restrictions. Her goal is to help vegans, regardless of their health or dietary obstacles, live their values with joy, not fear.


Dustin Harder
IG: @thedustinharder